Issue 1 April 1994
long space disconnect
A disconnect can occur if the modem receives an extended
space from a remote modem; for example, when a remote
modem is commanded to disconnect, it transmits a continuous
space to the modem before disconnecting.
loopback test
Any test that verifies the integrity of a device by sending data
from one device to another, and then checking the received data
for errors. Various loopback tests can be used to isolate a
problem to the computer, modem, or telephone line.
Mode Indicate/Mode Indicate Common. A dialing method that
forces the modem off-hook in Originate mode when answering
an incoming call.
Microcom Networking Protocol. Levels 4–2 of this protocol
detect and correct data errors caused by poor telephone line
conditions. Level 5 includes data compression.
MOdulator/DEModulator. A device used to convert data from a
digital signal to an analog signal so that the data can be
transmitted over a telephone line. Once the data is received, the
analog signal is converted back into a digital signal.