Issue 1 April 1994
An advisory committee (Consultative Committee on International
Telephone and Telegraph) established by the United Nations to
recommend communications standards and policies.
Carrier Detect. A signal between the local and remote ends of a
network indicating that energy exists on the transmission circuit.
Associated with Pin 8 on an EIA RS-232 interface.
chassis ground
Pin 1 of an EIA RS-232 interface.
command line
Contains the command(s) instructing the modem to perform a
function. Command lines begin with the AT prefix and are
executed when you press the Enter key.
Command mode
One of two general operating modes; the other is Data mode.
When in Command mode, the modem accepts commands
instead of transmitting or receiving data.
COM port
Communications port. A computer’s serial communications port
used to transmit to and receive data from a modem. The
modem connects directly to this port.
communications software
Software installed on a computer that controls the modem.
configuration option
Modem software that sets specific operating parameters for the
modem. Sometimes referred to as straps.