Issue 1 April 1994
S: Set the software’s DTE rate (the speed of the DataPort
2001-to-computer connection) to a lower speed. The
DataPort 2001 depends on the computer’s COM port
UART. If a successful transfer occurs at a lower speed,
then you may want to upgrade your computer’s COM port
S: Use a different file transfer protocol. Some protocols, such
as Ymodem-G, are very sensitive and may cancel your file
Character Format
P: You make a successful connection, but “garbage”
characters appear on your screen.
S: The other modem may be configured for a different
character set (8 data bits, No parity, and 1 stop bit (8N1),
7E0, 7E1, and so on).
Refer to your software documentation for instructions on
changing your character set.
P: You are trying to logon to an online service, but are
S: Verify the character structure of the online service and
make appropriate changes in your software before dialing.
Some services, such as GEnie, require a character
structure of 7E1.
S: Configure the DataPort 2001 for 2400 bps (ATS41=6) with
no error control (AT\N0) and try to call again.