Basically, a user must belong to only one group among the 20 general user groups of "Group 1 - 20" or the adminis-
trator group "admin". (A camera can belong to two or more groups.)
A user can access only cameras belonging to the same group.
Depending on the user type and the group to which the user belongs, what the user can do with access to cameras
There are two user types, "Monitor" and "Operator".
When a user is assigned to the general group "Group 1 - 20"
Users belonging to one of these groups can access a camera that belongs to the same group to view live camera
pictures or to operate it.
(When "Unrestricted" is selected for "Operating Restriction" on the "Camera Properties" menu of the selected cam-
era, all users can access the camera to view live camera pictures and operate preset functions.)
Note: To prevent illegal access, it is recommended to not select "Unrestricted" for "Operating Restriction" in the
"Camera Properties" menu of all cameras.
When a user is assigned to the administrator group (admin)
All users belong to this group (administrators) can operate all cameras, record, play recorded pictures, preset opera-
tions and administrate the network camera server by accessing the "Administrator's Page".
User Type
There are two user types, "Operator" and "Monitor".
A user of this type can view live pictures, operate cameras, record, search and play recorded pictures from the
cameras belonging to the same group.
A user of this user type only can view live pictures and perform the preset operations of the cameras belonging to
the same group.
User Authentication
A user can operate cameras or functions only when the user is authenticated.
When selecting a camera for which the user is not authenticated, the authentication dialog window will be displayed.
Enter a registered user name and a password to be authenticated for the selected camera, or cancel.