020-17467-00 Instructions For Use PadMixer 1000 Premium RevD
Position the mixing tank and lock the brakes on the two front wheels of the tank.
Close the protective cover of the drive mixing head and reset the machine. The cover will
also fix the front of the central connector to prevent the connector from moving.
Note: A mixing biocontainer is connected to the machine most easily when it is already filled.
A completely empty and therefore vacuum mixing biocontainer is more difficult to handle and
manipulate. In case the process requires that an empty mixing biocontainer is first coupled to
the mixing system, it is recommended that it is inflated first, to facilitate the connection. Note
that venting of the air inside the mixing biocontainer will be required when it will be filled with
5.5 Adding powders
By using a Pall’s Powder Handling Bag, powders can be transferred into the mixing
biocontainer in a contained manner. The powder handling bag and the mixing biocontainer
have the same size HDPE sanitary connector.
Hang the powder handling bag on the steel hook. Install the hook in such a position that the
sanitary connector of the powder handling bag and that of the mixing biocontainer are close
to each other.
Remove the clamp and end cap from the mixing biocontainer. Leave the silicone gasket on
the connector.
Place the sanitary connector of the powder handling bag against the connector of the mixing
biocontainer and fix both connectors together with the clamp. Open the clamp on the powder
bag to introduce the powder in the mixing biocontainer.
Figure 39: Powder bag arm with hook