020-17467-00 Instructions For Use PadMixer 1000 Premium RevD Change recipe
The setting values of all recipes (from number 1 to 999) can be changed on this screen.
Figure 8: Screen to change the recipe settings
The recipe number can be changed by keying the number. A small numerical keypad
appears with which a number can be entered. Alternatively the recipe number can be
increased or decreased using the up and down arrows.
The recipe settings can be changed by pressing them, calling up a numerical keypad
with which the setting value may be entered.
The desired height of the connection mixing biocontainer-to-system (distance to the
floor) depends on the type of mixing tank and mixing biocontainer used. This height
should be determined when a recipe is created. The mixing system will not be able to start
unless the system is installed at its correct height (to avoid a too high or too low position).
“min. Height” value can be entered in 2 ways: either by entering the value in mm, or
by placing physically installing the mixing system at the desired height, followed by pressing
“current” key. In this way the recipe will take the current height as value.
After all values of the recipe have been entered they can be saved using the
“Save” button.
At the same time this recipe number from the
“Select recipe” menu (see above) is set to
match this recipe number. Change password
The password requested when choosing the
“Test mode” and “Settings” options can be
changed here.