IMPORTANT: No pilot and no glider are immune to collapses
however active flying will virtually eliminate any tendency to
collapse. When the conditions are turbulent, be more active and
anticipate the movements of your wing. Always be aware of
your altitude and do not over-react. We strongly advice you to
always keep hold of your brakes. Do not fly in turbulent condi-
The Mantra M4 shows no unusual landing characteristics but as a
reminder, here are some tips:
• Always set up for your landing early, give yourself plenty of options
and a safe margin for error.
• Once below 30 metres avoid turning tightly as the glider will have
to dive to accelerate back to normal flight. If you are at low altitude,
or if you hit sink, this could mean you hit the ground harder than
• Lean forward out of your harness before the actual landing (espe
cially if it’s turbulent), with your weight leaning forward against the
chest strap, and make sure your legs are ready for the landing and a
possible PLF (parachute landing fall).
• Allow the glider to fly at hands up (trim) speed for your final
descent until you are around 1 metre above the ground (in windy or
turbulent conditions you must fly the glider actively all the way). Ap-
ply the brakes slowly and progressively to slow the glider down until
groundspeed has been reduced to a minimum and you are able to
step onto the ground.
• In light winds/zero wind you need a strong, long and progressive
flare to bleed off all your excess ground speed. In strong winds your
forward speed is already low so you are flaring only to soften the
landing. A strong flare may result in the glider climbing upwards and
backwards quickly, leaving you in a vulnerable position.
• If the glider does begin to climb, ease off the brakes (10-20cm) -
do not put your hands up all the way - then flare again, but more
gently this time. Keep the brakes at mid speed, stand up, be ready to
run and make sure you brake fully as you arrive on the ground.
• Choose the appropriate approach style in function of the landing
area and the conditions.
• In strong winds you need to turn towards the glider the second
To familiarize yourself with the Mantra M4 your first turns should be
gradual and progressive.
To make efficient and coordinated turns with the Mantra M4 first
look in the direction you want to go, then lean into it. Your first input
for directional change should be weight-shift, followed by the smooth
application of the brake until the desired bank angle is achieved. To
regulate the speed and radius of the turn, coordinate your weight
shift and use the outer brake.
IMPORTANT: Never initiate a turn at minimum speed (i.e.
with full brakes on) as you could risk entering a spin.
Active Flying
To minimize the likelihood of suffering collapses in turbulent condi-
tions, it is essential to use active flying.
Flying with a small amount of brake applied (approx. 20cm) will give
you feedback from the wing. In turbulent conditions the internal pres-
sure of the wing can change and you will feel this through the brakes.
The aim is to maintain a constant pressure through the brakes. If
you feel a loss in pressure apply the brakes until normal pressure
is resumed then raise hands back to original position (this must be
done quickly). Avoid flying with continuous amounts of deep brake in
rough air as you could inadvertently stall the wing. Always consider
your airspeed.
These movements can be symmetric or asymmetric; you may have to
apply both brakes or just one. These subtle adjustments will keep the
glider flying smoothly and directly above you and dramatically reduce
the chances of a collapse. If the glider pitches in front of you, use the
brakes to slow it down. Equally, if the glider drops behind you, release
the brakes to allow it to speed up. The goal is to always keep the
wing directly overhead.
These are skills that are best learnt by playing with the glider on the