OSHD-410H & OSHD-810 & OSHD-1610
Install & User Manual - Firmware 3.X 66
1) Configure E-mail account to receive URL in E-Mail Setup.
Turn “ON” Forward URL with e-mail.
3) Select Generate PIN and run.
4) URL is output on the screen bottom and same URL is transmitted to the configured E-
mail. (I don’t
5) Input URL on Web browser address box and connect.
6) Input Twitter account and password to confirm Dvrlog account use.
7) Input PIN number printed after confirmation in PIN input box of the Twitter Setup.
8) After PIN number confirmation, authorized Twitter ID and Login status are displayed.
9) Run Send Test Message and check Twitter transmission.
Twitter ID
Type in Twitter account to be used
Logging Status
It shows current log in status
Include DVR Alias
This setup sends DVR ID with event status to the assigned twitter address.
Including Picture
This setup sends recorded images together with event status information to the assigned twitter address.
Send Test Message
This will send a test message to Twitter to confirm correct configuration setup.
Generate PIN
If click this, It will generate URL for login.
Forward URL with e-mail
Configure whether transmit Authorized URL after running Generate PIN or not. We recommend making the
option ON due to its authorized URL length. To transmit URL via E-mail, E-mail account configuration should
be done in advance.