OSHD-410H & OSHD-810 & OSHD-1610
Install & User Manual - Firmware 3.X 64
E-Mail Address
Input E-
mail address with receiver’s E-mail information.
E-mail format should be [email protected] and the users must only
use combination of numbers and the English alphabet.
Sender’s E-mail address
Sender’s E-mail address is set when user use E-mail for output
selection and user setup E-mail address as [email protected]. User
doesn’t need to input fixed address for E-mail but address which can
be distinguiable.
There are 3 ways to send E-mail, Non-authentication sending, SMTP server authentication,
TLS authentication. Non-authentication is to send e-mail without authentication
from authentication server. SMTP server authentication is to send e-mail after an authentication
of sender’s e-mail address from SMTP server. TLS authentication is to send e-mail after an
authentication of sender’s e-mail address from TLS server
Including Picture
In general event, when sensor, MD, V-loss events are generated, an event information with triggered channel
video recording will be sent via email to an user defined email address.
FTP Image Backup
The DVR sends 1 video image per event to a FTP server when an
event occurs.
FTP Uploading