OSHD-410H & OSHD-810 & OSHD-1610
Install & User Manual - Firmware 3.X 21
2.2.2. Connection map with other devices
2.2.3. Connecting external device
Connecting USB Device
USB port can be used for copy of recorded data and for mouse.
USB Device spec will not be over following specification.
USB Spec.
Ver 2.0
Usable device
USB Memory Stick,
Voltage spec
Max. 200mA per DC 5V / Port
USB momory needs to be FAT32 formatted.
USB Flash memory requires additional program on MS Windows could not be used in DVR.
Connecting eSATA Device
There is 1 port for external eSATA. Additional power for eSATA device will be required.
1) Check compatibility of eSATA with DVR as not all eSATA might be compatible with DVR.
2) DVR might not be recognizing eSATA when eSATA is connected to DVR while DVR is working. So we
recommend user to connect eSATA as following step.
3) Turn off DVR.