HiScan Touch
Installation and Operation Manual
Code 14101XEN
2014-09-02 Rev.B
By clicking the left button of the mouse (or touching the touchscreen) on one of
the maps between Map1 to Map10 or User1 to User8, the operator can select that
map for the operation. In order to go to the main pachymetry window, just click on
the <
> button or on the small window with the preview of the selected map.
In the same time the selected map will be available for future acquisitions, also
after the shutdown and switch on of the equipment.
Button <
>: It appear when a customizable map is selected (from User1
to User8). Pushing the “Modify” button the selected map is visualized on the
main window and the operator can add or remove one or more acquisition
points. Just touch an existing point to remove it or touch the specific point to
add a new one. After the modification, in order to save the modified map it is
necessary to push the specific <Save> button (it appear under the “Modify”
button after the first map modification). HOW TO OPERATE THE DEVICE IN A PACHYMETRY
By activating the instrument using the Freeze/Unfreeze button or the foot-pedal, the
operator can display the signal from the pachymetry probe on bottom right of the
Figure 7.15: Pachymetry environment and command