This document is the property of the Manufacturer and/or its
Agent and must not to be tampered with or changed, reproduced or provided to others without written consent.
this document is intended to be read by professionals whose experience
or qualifications allow them to work in conformity with the most common
safety standards and specific skills. It is presupposed that each person
has the basic knowledge required for their role.
the Client is to make sure that the operator has the capacity and training
necessary for their duties.
Reading of this manual is obligatory for all the profes-
sionals that are involved with the machine. They must
also be informed of any RESIDUAL RISKS associated
with the use of the machine or of the products it works
the manual does nOt make up for educational or intellectual gaps that
affect the professionals that work with the machine.
Personnel involved with operation, maintenance, and/or other ope
rations relating to the machine must have specific experience with
this type of machine or similar machines, or they must have specific
professional training.
The Client is responsible for all damage caused or
suffered by personnel who has been authorised by
the client himself to use the machine.
some general safety instructions provided may be excessive or even
impossible to comply with under some infrequent situations (e.g. star
ting for the first time, specific maintenance tasks, tests without loads,
faults or malfunctioning, etc.).
In these cases the operator, rigger or maintenance technician may act
in a different way, provided:
they are fully aware of what they are doing.
they have adequate skill and training.
they do not act in a way that deliberately causes injury to
Scope and structure of the document
this scope of this
NUAL) is to provide a valid guide that makes it possible to work safely
and to carry out the operations that are necessary for maintaining the
machine well.
all personnel that work with the machine are to read and understand
everything described in this document.
This document was originally prepared in ITALIAN and so, if any in
congruence or doubt arises ask for the “OriGinal instruCtiOns”
or further clarification from the manufacturer.
the indications given in this document do not replace the safety regula-
tions and technical data for installation and operation that apply directly
to the product, nor the rules dictated by common sense and safety rules
in force in the country in which the machine is installed.
This document is broken down into CHAPTERS (INTRODUCTION,
CHARACTERISTICS, etc.) as described in the CONTENTS.
the chapters and information contained are in order of priority.