AI Terminal from CPU Unit, 31
AI Terminal from Expanded CPU Unit, 31
AI x-point Terminal, 30
AI x-point/AO x-point Terminal, 30
AO Terminal to CPU Unit, 31
AO Terminal from Expanded CPU Unit, 31
AO x-point Terminal, 30
battery error, 116, 193
battery, 61, 202
block address, 71
Block Model, 71
cascade control, 162
cold start, 87
CPU Terminal, 31, 33, 118
CX-Process Monitor, 34, 45, 126
CX-Process Tool, 34, 43, 142
data update check code, 124
dead time compensation control, 171
default data, 77
DI Terminal from CPU Unit, 34
DI Terminal from Expanded CPU Unit, 34
DI x-point Terminal, 33
DI x-point/DO x-point Terminal, 34
DO Terminal from CPU Unit, 34
DO Terminal from Expanded CPU Unit, 34
DO x-point Terminal, 33
Data Memory (D) for Node Terminals, 122, 223
error code, 193, 194
error log, 188, 190, 195
execution error code, 116, 196
Expanded CPU Unit Terminal, 31, 33, 118
external I/O refresh cycle, 28, 106
feedforward control, 165
FINS Gateway, 43, 45
FINS command, 174
Field Terminals, 30
Flash Memory, 19, 62, 85, 86, 200
function block data sheet, 70
function block database error, 116, 194
function block, 20, 70
hot start, 87
ITEM, 70, 74
load rate, 28, 100
logic sequence, 213
LCU number, 122, 221
MV error contact input ON, 116
noninteracting control, 167
Node Terminals, 13, 217
operation cycle, 93, 96
Operation Cycle Automatic Switching Generation flag,
operation data, 77
operation execution time, 100, 231
order of operation, 98
PV error input ON, 116
RS-232C port, 60
SCADA Software, 12, 130
Step Ladder Program, 205
step sequence, 213
system information, 195
tag ITEM, 35
tag number, 35, 126