The CX-Process Tool is used to create tags for the CX-Process Monitor or
for SCADA software to enable accessing Loop Control Unit Data.
Connect ES100X Controllers Externally
ES100X Controllers can be connected to the RS-232C port on the Loop
Control Unit and ES100X External Controller Terminal function blocks can be
used to monitor ES100X parameters, such as the SP, PV, and MV, and to
set ES100X parameters, such as the SP and PID constants. Converting from
RS-232C to RS-422A/485 enables connecting up to 32 ES100X Controllers.
Battery-free Operation
You now have a choice. You can either store function block data in RAM in
the Loop Control Unit and back it up with a battery or you can eliminate the
need for a backup battery by setting the Loop Control Unit to transfer flash
memory contents to RAM each time power is turned ON. (Automatic transfer
from flash memory is set using the DIP switch.)