1-1 Outline
1-1-1 Outline
The Loop Control Unit is capable of the following:
- PID operation with up to 32 loops
- Operation of up to 250 various processes
- Basic logic sequence control
- Process progression control
The Loop Control Unit can also be used as an alarm/monitor terminal on a
computer without the need to use PID control functions.
The Loop Control Unit belongs to the CPU Bus Unit group for the CS1 series
1 The maximum number of control loops is restricted by the operation
cycle. In most cases (when there is no Step Ladder Program), the
maximum number of control loops is 32 loops at operation cycles of 2, 1,
and 0.5 seconds; 16 loops at an operation cycle of 0.2 seconds; and
eight loops at an operation cycle of 0.1 seconds.
The Loop Control Unit itself has no external I/O functions. So, it must be used
in a pair with a unit having an external interface such as an Analog I/O Unit or
Basic I/O Unit. The Loop Control Unit exchanges data with the Unit having
the external interface via the CPU Unit I/O memory.
You can achieve all functions (operation functions/designation of field
input/output) simply by combining Control blocks, Operation blocks, and
other function blocks. This allows you to easily build a professional
instrumentation system on your PC (programmable controller).
The following functions can be achieved by function blocks:
Internal Operations
Control (max. 32 function blocks): 2-position ON/OFF Basic PID,
Advanced PID, Ratio Setting, etc.
Operation (max. 250 function blocks): Alarm/Signal restrictions/Hold,
Arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), Functions
(Square Root, Absolute Value, Segment Linearizer, etc.), Time Functions
(Lead/Delay, Dead Time, Ramp Program, etc.), Pulse Train Operation
(Accumulator), Signal Selection/Switching (Rank Selector, Constant
Selector, etc.), Sequential Control (Timers, Counter, etc.)
External controllers (max. 32 function blocks): ES100X Controller Terminal
Logic sequence/step progression control (max. 100 function blocks): Step
Ladder Program
External I/O
Each of the points on the Analog I/O Unit and Basic I/O Unit is read and
written by the Field Terminal block (max. 80 function blocks).
Specified contacts or analog data on the CPU Unit is read and written by
the CPU Unit Terminal block (max. 16 function blocks) and the Expanded
CPU Unit Terminal block (max. 32 function blocks).