Product Specifications
Motion Control Units
Positioning with linear
Executes linear interpolation at the specified interpolation feed rate for up to either
two or four axes simultaneously.
Positioning with circular
Executes clockwise or counterclockwise 2-axis circular interpolation at the specified
interpolation feed rate.
Positioning with helical
circular interpolation
Executes clockwise or counterclockwise 2-axis circular interpolation and 1-axis linear
interpolation (i.e., helical interpolation) at the specified interpolation feed rate.
(Available for CS1W-MC421 only.)
Traverse function
Executes winding (traverse operation).
Speed control
Moves a maximum of either two or four axes at a controlled speed.
Interrupt feeding
Moves a specified axis for a fixed amount when a general input is turned ON. With
interrupt feeding, positioning without an interrupt signal can be executed.
Switching to Pass Mode
Changes to Pass Mode, in which operations are executed one by one with no
deceleration stop. In Pass Mode, the interpolation acceleration or deceleration time of
the previous operation can be specified for the next operation (Pass Mode time
selection). A pass operation for only one axis can be executed at a fixed acceleration
(with a fixed acceleration mode setting).
Switching to In-position
Check OFF Mode
Starts the next positioning operation without waiting for the current one to be
Stop-over function
Outputs an M code or a D code while axes are being moved by a fixed amount
(determined by present position), without stopping the operation. G codes are also
possible for all operations.
Dwell timer
Pauses positioning for a specified time.
Workpiece origin return
Automatically returns to workpiece origin.
Automatic origin return
Automatically returns to reference coordinate system origin.
Cycle start
Executes a specified program from the first block, or resumes execution of a stopped
Single block
Executes the program one block at a time.
Temporarily halts program execution.
Forced block end
Forcibly ends execution of a block.
Error reset
Clears error status.
M code reset
Resets the M code (for interlock).
Creates position data for each task.
Optional inputs
20 points: Specify input information to be referenced by special G code.
Of the 20 input points, 4 can be specified as general-purpose inputs for the MC Unit.
M code
0 to 999
0 to 499: M code for taking interlock
500 to 999: M code not taking interlock
D code
(interrupt code)
0 to 255
Starts a CPU Unit external interrupt task when positioning is completed or when
passing through a particular position.
Automatic and
Manual Mode
Backlash correction
The amount of correction for backlash in the mechanical system can be registered in
Error counter reset
Forcibly resets the error counter to 0, and stops axis operation. (Enabled when no
speed reference is provided to the servodriver.)
Changes the operating speed by applying a specified percentage to the speed
specified in the system parameters or G-language program.
A zone flag turns ON when the present position enters a preset range.
Unlimited Feed Mode,
unlimited present position
Moves the axis with no limit. In this mode, a range for refreshing the present position
can be specified.
Origin search function
The search pattern can be selected to shorten the origin search time. Either a
deceleration stop or accumulated pulse stop can be selected for when a limit input is
received during the origin search.
acceleration and
Either trapezoid or S-curve acceleration and deceleration can be specified for starting
and stopping each axis.
Driver alarm reset
Resets the servodriver alarm.
Data transfer
Data is transferred between the CPU Unit and the MC Unit by means of the CPU
Unit’s IORD and IOWR instructions. There are two modes for transferring data: One
for transferring large amounts of data, and another for rapidly transferring small
amounts of data.
Servo data trace function
Up to 500 data items, including speed reference values, present speed, and error
counter data, can be traced for each axis. This data can be referenced by CX-Motion.