GR-750x series
Control panel for addressable emergency
Document number: 923750400_09_007
Date: 3/5/2022
Page: 48 of 71
This screen is used to change the address of the luminaires that do not use the DIP switch address selection
method. First select the loop of the point whose address you want to change, by using the left and right arrow
buttons. Then type the desired point address and press the
button. A command will
be broadcasted to change the address of all points connected to the selected loop to the entered value.
Perform this operation with only one point connected to the loop you are operating on. A short 2-core cable
can be used to connect the
–L/+L contacts of the loop circuit, directly to the point. There is no need for loop
return (closed loop topology) while configuring the point.
This option can only be used with points that
do not
use the DIP switch address selection
method, such as ZLD-xx, GR-29x etc.
Do not use this function while more than one points are connected to the selected loop.
Figure 44