GR-750x series
Control panel for addressable emergency
Document number: 923750400_09_007
Date: 3/5/2022
Page: 27 of 71
3.8 Configuration software (PC-7500)
The GR750x panel series is
supported by the “PC-7500” PC software. It provides a user-friendly graphical
interface for configuring and managing all the panel’s settings (download/upload/backup).
Software download available at: https://www.olympia-electronics.com/en/support/software
PC-7500 requirements:
Operating system: Windows 10 64bit or higher.
USB port: USB 2.0 or higher (for connection with the panel).
Panel’s communication with the PC software can be enabled from the
menu. The connection credentials can be found in the
Figure 17
Panel/PC connection steps:
1. Unlock the
panel’s door with it’s key to access the interior.
2. Connect the USB cable to the micro-USB port on the inner side of the panel (Figure 5) and to a USB
port on the PC.
3. Go to the
menu of the panel and remain there to keep the
communication active.
4. On the PC, run the PC-7500 software.
5. If the connection is successful, the connection status on the software (Figure 18,
“Panel connection
”) will change from “Disconnected” and display the name of the panel and its serial number.
Export/Download the configuration of the panel:
1. Press the download button (Figure 20
, “Download from panel”), found in the “Data transfer” menu.
2. A login popup will appear. Enter the remote login credentials
(for the “Technician” user) and press the
login button. The credentials can be found in the
Import/Upload configuration to the panel:
1. Press the upload button (Figure 20
, “Upload to panel”), found in the “Data transfer” menu.
2. When the upload is completed, the message on the panel should change to
“Configuration file ready
to be applied”
3. Press the
“APPLY” button on the panel menu, to apply the new configuration. A popup will ask for
confirmation of the process.
By pressing the
“CONFIRM” button, the current panel configuration will be overwritten by
the configuration file that was uploaded and the panel will restart with the new settings.