GR-750x series
Control panel for addressable emergency
Document number: 923750400_09_007
Date: 3/5/2022
Page: 30 of 71
4.1 Panel information
Pressing the panel information icon (Figure 21, ref 1) will open a popup with some basic panel information.
Figure 21
If there is a firmware update available for any of the panel subsystems, the icon and text color change to
indicate it, as shown in the picture below:
Figure 22
4.2 Current fault counter/Fault list
Shows the number of faults currently active on the panel (Figure 20, ref 2). If any fault is detected, the color of
the fault indicator (
on the screen), changes from green to red and the number indicates how many
faults are active/detected by the panel. By pressing the fault indicator at any time, a complete list of all faults is
displayed (
Figure 23