GR-750x series
Control panel for addressable emergency
Document number: 923750400_09_007
Date: 3/5/2022
Page: 17 of 71
Inside the main body of the metal housing (Figure 6) are located the power supply unit (left), the power
management board (
board), the loop boards (center), the battery area for the two batteries (bottom),
the earth bar terminal (left), the panel mounting holes and the cable openings.
Figure 6
3.2.2 Mounting the panel
The panel mounting area must be clean, dry, and free of collisions and vibrations. The panel must be
permanently installed on a fixed position and indoors only. In Figure 6, the interior mounting holes of the panel
are marked. Use all three mounting holes with the included wall mounting accessories of the package for
proper installation (plugs and screws).
The panel should be placed at least 1m above floor level, 1m bellow roof level and at a minimum distance of
30cm from other electronic devices. No other lines should cross the wall behind the panel except the panels
own power supply. The panel should be placed in a visible and accessible area to the building
’s stuff, fire, and
lighting safety personnel.