Check Tendering
Example: Register a £70.00 item paid by check to Department 4.
Proceed as follows:
1. Type [7000] and press the [Department 4] key.
2. Press the [Check] key and the transaction ends successfully.
Split Cash/Charge Tendering in Euro
Example: Register a £8.00 item and a £12.00 item to Department 3.
Split the amount tendered between 10.00e cash and 19.59e charge.
Proceed as follows:
1. Type [800] and press the [Department 3] key.
2. Type [1200] and press the [Department 3] key.
3. Press the [Sub Total] key to display and print the current balance
due in Local currency.
4. Press the [RA/ ] key to display the current balance due in Euro.
5. Type the cash tendered in euro [1000] and press the
[Amt Tend/TOTAL] key. The remaining balance due in Local
currency is displayed.
6. Press the [RA/ ] key again. The remaining balance due in Euro
(19.59) is displayed.
7. Press the [Charge] key to end the transaction.
Check payment
Sales total in local and
converted currency
Charge payment in Euro
Cash payment in Euro