Setting the Time
Proceed as follows to set the correct time in the hour:minutes format:
1. Slide the control switch to the PRG position.
2. Type the [current time] using the HH:MM format.
NOTE: Time is set according to international, or military time
(24-hour clock format). To correctly enter this time, simply
add 12 to all hours in the PM. For example, to set the time to
9:00 AM, type [0900]; to set the time to 2:15 PM, type [1415].
3. Press the [Qty/Time] key to store the entered time.
4. Program another feature or exit program mode by sliding the control
switch to the OFF position.
Example: Set the time at 3:30 PM.
[1530] + [Qty/Time]
Percent Discount (-%)
Setting this option automatically calculates the preset rate each time
the [-%] key is pressed. The percentage rate can be discounted from an
individual item or from a sales transaction total.
Setting a Percent Discount (-%) Rate
Proceed as follows to define a standard discount rate:
1. Slide the control switch to the PRG position.
2. Type the [numbers] representing the desired percentage rate. Up to
four digits ranging from 0 to 99.99 can be used, and you MUST
enter a total of four digits, two before and two after the desired
decimal place. For example, to enter 10%, type [1000], to enter
6.5% type [0650].
3. Press the [-%] key to store the rate.
4. Program another feature or exit program mode by sliding the control
switch to the OFF position.
Example: Program a standard 10% discount rate.
[1000] + [-%]
Decimal Point Position
The decimal point setting is preset to the x.xx format. This format
can be changed, as needed, to one of the other settings below.
Changing the Decimal Point Position
Proceed as follows to define a new position for the decimal point.
1. Slide the control switch to the PRG position.
2. Type [1] followed by the status number [0, 1, 2 or 3] to select the
desired format as indicated in the following table:
Status Number
3. Press the [RA/ ] key to set the new format.
4. Program another feature or exit program mode by sliding the control
switch to the OFF position.
Example: Program the cash register so that two digits are left after the
decimal point.
[1] + [2] + [RA/ ]