The Display
The cash register has a display that shows entry amounts and related
transaction information through numbers and special symbols.
If there is no entry for about 3 minutes the display goes off. Press the
[C] key for about 2 seconds and continue your input operations.
Reading the Display
The display is read from left to right as follows:
Department -
The first digit displays the department key pressed
for each entry.
Repeat/Multiply - The second digit displays when repeating or
multiplying items to indicate the number of items
entered at one price.
Amount -
The remainder of the display shows the entry
amount. Up to 7 digits can be used for each
amount entry.
Special Symbol Indicators
Special symbols appear at the far left-hand side of the displays during
cash register operation. These symbols identify the amount shown, or
warn of an error condition. They include:
C (Change)
Indicates that the displayed amount is the change due
to the customer.
E (Error)
Indicates when an error is made during operation or
when programming the cash register. An error tone
sounds to alert the operator.
S (Sub-total)
Indicates that the amount shown is the subtotal of a
transaction, including sales tax if applicable.
= (Total)
Indicates that the amount shown is the transaction total.
- (Minus)
Displays a negative entry. Also displays if subtotal or
cash tendered total is a negative number due to a
return or refund.
Displayed when the [RA/ ] key is pressed to indicate
that the amount is displayed in Euro.
These symbols clear automatically when you start the next entry or
press the [C] key.
Time Display
You can display the current time by simply pressing the [Qty/Time]
key with the cash register in either the R1 or R2 mode. Press the [C]
key to clear the time from the display.
NOTE: Trying to use this feature during a transaction will result in an
error tone. If this occurs, press the [C] key to clear the error
and the tone.
Error Conditions
The Error Alarm
The error alarm warns of an operator error (usually when a wrong key
is pressed for a specific type of entry) or of an error made during cash
register programming. The error alarm can also indicate that the control
switch is in the wrong position for the current operation. In case of
error, the error tone sounds, the letter E is displayed and the keypad
NOTE: Moving the control switch from the R1 or R2 position to
another position before completing a transaction will allow
you to end the operation in the new position.