Check Tender in Euro with Change in Local Currency
Example: Register a £19.50 item to Department 4, a £2.50 item to
Department 5 and a £5.00 item to Department 11. Compute the change
in Local currency for a 40.00e check tender.
Proceed as follows:
1. Type [1950] and press the [Department 4] key.
2. Type [250] and press the [Department 5] key.
3. Type [500] and press the [Department 8] key.
4. Press the [Sub Total] key to display and print the current balance
due in Local currency.
5. Press the [RA/ ] key to display the current balance due in Euro.
6. Type the amount tendered by check in Euro [4000] and press the
[Check] key. The change due in local currency is displayed and the
transaction ends successfully.
Check Tender with Change in Local Currency
Example: Register a £19.50 item to Department 4, a £2.50 item to
Department 5 and a £5.00 item to Department 6. Compute the change
in Local currency for a £30.00 check tender.
Proceed as follows:
1. Type [1950] and press the [Department 4] key.
2. Type [250] and press the [Department 5] key.
3. Type [500] and press the [Department 6] key.
4. Press the [Sub Total] key to display and print the current balance
5. Type the amount paid by check [3000] and press the [Check] key.
The change due to the customer is displayed and the transaction
ends successfully.
Transaction subtotal
Check payment
Change tendered
Change tendered in
local currency
Check payment in Euro
Sales total in local and
converted currency