Voiding an Earlier Entry
To void an earlier entry, register it again and then cancel it using the
[Void] key. When a transaction including the error is completed,
proceed with the following steps to void the error.
1. Retype the incorrect information, exactly as originally entered, and
press the [Void] key.
2. Enter the correct amount.
3. Total the transaction by pressing the [Amt Tend/TOTAL] key.
Back-up Battery System
During cash register operations, all transaction data for the
management report is stored in the register's memory. This memory also
holds all optional programming information. The memory back-up
system keeps this information stored in memory when the cash register
is turned off.
The memory is protected by four standard 1.5 V size AA batteries
that must be inserted before programming the cash register. The cash
register comes with these four batteries which provide backup power to
the cash register memory if the power cord is accidentally unplugged or
the power fails. Thanks to this memory protection feature, the daily
transactions and locked-in grand total will be retained by the machine
without AC power.
Inserting/Replacing Memory Backup Batteries
NOTE: When replacing the 1.5 V size AA memory backup batteries,
make sure that the cash register is plugged into an electrical
wall outlet or the four fully charged 1.5 V size C batteries are
inserted to avoid loosing the data stored.
Proceed as follows to insert or replace the batteries:
1. Unlock the printer compartment cover, grasp the left side of this
cover, gently pull it back and then lift it off the cash register. Move
the control switch to the R1 or R2 position.
2. Lift the paper journal winder spindle out of the printer