Registering a Multiple Item Sale with Exact Cash
Tender in Local Currency
Example: Register a £2.50 item to Department 1, a £.50 item to
Department 5 and a £1.65 item to Department 8, with an exact tender
of £4.65.
Proceed as follows:
1. Type [250] and press the [Department 1] key.
2. Type [50] and press the [Department 5] key.
3. Type [165] and press the [Department 8] key.
4. Press the [Sub Total] key to display and print the current balance
5. Press the [Amt Tend/TOTAL] key to end the transaction.
Registering a Multiple Item Sale with Exact Cash
Tender in Euro
Example: Register a £10.00 item to Department 1, a £20.00 item to
Department 2, with an exact tender of 44.38e.
Proceed as follows:
1. Type [1000] and press the [Department 1] key.
2. Type [2000] and press the [Department 2] key.
3. Press the [Sub Total] key to display and print the current balance
due in Local currency.
4. Press the [RA/ ] key to display the current balance due in Euro.
5. Press the [Amt Tend/TOTAL] key to end the transaction.
Transaction total in local and
converted currency
Exact cash tender in
converted currency (Euro)
Transaction total in local
and converted currency
Exact cash tender in
local currency