Clamp pincer CP 10 / CP 20 / CC 20
Description of PC software
Issue 11.15
Input field/Display field/Option
Closing force [N]
Enter the closing force. The input value for the closing force must be
within the closing force range for the device. The closing force range is
determined by the pincer head attached to the device.
The closing force ranges for the clamp pincers are determined as follows:
CP 10 = closing force min. 800 N up to max. 4,500 N
CP 20 = closing force min. 3,500 N up to max. 10,000 N
CC 20 = closing force min. 3,500 N up to max. 20,000 N
When a new closing force is input, these data must be loaded to the
device (see the “Data exchange” area) in order for the new value to take
effect in the device.
Closing force tolerance ± [N]
Factory target values for the closing force tolerance are selected and
displayed according to the specified closing force.
Closing force holding time
The closing force holding time can be freely selected within the range
min. 200 ms to max. 2000 ms. The pincer jaws open at expiry of the
specified holding time.
When a new closing force holding time is input, these data must be
loaded to the device (see the “Data exchange” area) in order for the new
value to take effect in the device.
• Data
The buttons for this area relate to data communications between the
software, device and data storage medium (e.g. PC)
Read data from device
The stored and active closing data in the clamp pincer are loaded to the
“closing data set” area of the PC software.
Send data to device
The closing data shown in the “closing data set” area of the PC software
are sent to the device and saved there.
If a new target value for the closing force is loaded, a new calibration is
indicated automatically. Perform calibration see chapter 5.1.3, p. 5-20.
Read data from file
A previously saved closing data set is loaded from a file in the “closing
data set” area into the PC software.
Save data to file
The closing data in the “closing data set” area of the PC software are
saved into a file.
Tab. 4:
Closing data menu