SPLITMUX Quad Screen 4K 18GB Multiviewer
Figure 51-Text Menu- Triple Screen Mode Settings
Triple Screen Mode Settings
Rotation Direction
Clockwise or Counter-clockwise
Enable Aspect Ratio
Yes or No to keep the input aspect ratio
Top Screen
Select which input should be displayed on top
Middle Screen
Select which input should be displayed in the middle
Bottom Screen
Select which input should be displayed on the bottom
Enable Border
Yes or No to add a border for each input
Border color
Choose the color of the border around each input
Border width
Choose the width of the border around each input (0-50 pixels) (0 = no border)
Figure 52- Text Menu- Custom Mode Settings
Custom Screen Mode
Settings Input x (1-4)
Enable Input
Enter a checkmark to enable the display of the input
Border color for Input
Choose the color of the border around each input
Border width for Input
Choose the width of the border around each input- from 0-50 pixels (0 = no border)