Checking Installation
Step One: Connect pump to battery or 12V supply
Following the instructions in your pump or sprayer manual, reconnect the pump
to a 12V power supply.
Batteries are hazardous because they contain caustic acid, can emit explosive gases, and can
cause electric shock.
Caution must be exercised when making connections to a battery to avoid shock and contact with
the acid, and to prevent any sparking that could lead to an explosion.
ALWAYS follow the safety instructions and steps listed in your pump or sprayer manual i
n exact
when connecting the pump to the battery terminals.
Step Two: Check and test completed assembly
Check and test completed assembly
Serious injury could result from chemical leaks if regulator is improperly assembled or the
design of the sprayer is modified.
Follow the steps below to ensure the regulator is properly assembled. Never modify the
sprayer design.
1. Check
Check assembly to assure the regulator is properly assembled and in safe
working condition:
2. Test with
Test the system for leaks with water:
a) Fill the tank with water.
b) The pump is an “on demand” pump. When turned on, the pump will
prime itself, then turn off once reaching pressure. When the flow
continues, the pump will automatically re-start.
c) Check for leaks throughout the system. If a leak is detected, fix the leak
and re-test the system with water.