Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP)
MN700004 Rev 01
The MSTP implementation operates over MSTIs which are, in turn, mapped into groups of
VLANs. However, since the MSTP does not enforce VLAN membership state for ports, a
situation of inconsistency between the MSTP port’s state and the real state of the port may
arise. For example, MSTP may set a port state on MSTI3 to be forwarding, when the instance
is mapped to VLANs 3-5. If the port is not a member of VLAN 4, it will effectively be
blocked on that VLAN, although the MSTP will show a forwarding state.
Make sure that this consistency is maintained, either by matching the VLAN memberships to
the MSTP state or by changing MSTP parameters (such as path-cost and priority) so the
traffic will be diverted to correct ports.
Default MSTP Configuration
Table 14-2 lists the MSTP default parameter values.
Table 14-2 MSTP Default Parameter Values
P a r a m e t e r D e f a u l t
V a l u e
Multiple Spanning tree mode (MSTP)
Spanning tree port priority
Hello time
2 seconds
Forward delay time
15 seconds
Maximum aging time
20 seconds
Maximum hop count
40 hops
Revision number
Default MTS Instance
Bridge priority
Path cost
See table 14-3