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2021 Truax Blvd. Eau Claire, WI 54703 ● P: 715-835-3151● F: 715-835-6625 ●
TML-704H Maintenance Lift Manual No. 310547
4. By moving the jam nuts either direction, adjust maximum speed to 2400
RPM and lock in position.
4.3.15 Transmission Linkages and Cables
The transmission cable is adjusted at the Wollard factory and under normal
conditions should not be tampered with. If you are installing a new cable, then
you will need the following instructions.
Failure to follow the shift cable precautions following can
result in serious injury or equipment damage.
Adjustments are provided for the transmission linkage on the Quadrastat shift
lever and on the push-pull cable.
1. With engine off, remove the clevis pin holding transmission shifter arm
to cable clevis.
2. Place transmission in Neutral.
3. Place Quadrastat shift lever in Neutral.
4. Adjust the cable sleeve and clevis attached to the vertical leg (of the
same arm) so that the shift lever throws equally Forward and Reverse.
5. Lock all adjustments in place.
6. Set transmission shifter and Quadrastat shift lever in the Neutral
7. Adjust cable sleeve and clevis at transmission end until hole in shifter
arm matches up with hole in clevis.
8. Replace clevis pin and lock all adjustments in place.
4.3.16 Front Wheel Alignment
Adjust toe-in to between 0 21' maximum and 0 6' minimum on both sides.
Adjust Steering Stops-Brierton axle:
This is easiest done with no weight on the front axle.
1. First make sure steering throws equally left and right.
2. Hold steering at full extent each direction. Adjust each stop bolt so it is
just barely touching knuckle at full steering extent.
JANUARY 10, 2017
Property of American Airlines