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2021 Truax Blvd. Eau Claire, WI 54703 ● P: 715-835-3151● F: 715-835-6625 ●
TML-704H Maintenance Lift Manual No. 310547
Refer to vendor material supplied with this manual for specific adjustment
procedures on any special optional equipment.
4.3.1 Electrical System
Before repairing the electrical system, disconnect the positive
cable from the battery to prevent possible injury due to electrical shock.
4.3.2 Transmission Neutral/Safety Switch
This switch is a combination unit located on the automatic transmission shifter
shaft in the engine package. To replace this switch or to update early models,
request NMC-Wollard Service Bulletin 489.
1. Park the machine, shift to neutral and apply park brake. “Tag out” the
2. Open the engine cover plate to gain access to the transmission linkage.
3. Unhook the shifter cable clevis from the transmission shift lever.
4. Loosen the two 1/4-20 Gr. 5 HHCS attaching the switch to the
transmission case.
5. Insert a 1/16 diameter nail, rivet or other suitable pin into the switch
alignment hole, figure 4. Slightly rotate the switch on the two 1/4” mounting
slots until the pin fully engages the switch which is secured onto the shifter
shaft. Then snug the two mounting bolts and remove thealignment pin.
This procedure should result in a successful check test following.
6. With the shift lever in the neutral position, place a continuity tester across
the prongs of the neutral harness plug. It should indicate continuity, neutral
switch closed. Move the shift lever one detent in both CW and CCW
directions. At these positions the continuity tester should indicate open
circuit, netural switch open.
7. If the test fails (unlikely), loosen the two switch mounting bolts and slightly
rotate the switch on the transmission until contact opens for the same
throw of shift lever either side of Netural. When the test is successful,
tighten the mounting bolts to 7 ft-lbs.
8. For reference, the second harness plug is for the reverse switch and will
be closed when in the Reverse detent, open in all other positions.
9. Hook the shifter cable clevis to the shifter lever with both the transmission
shift lever and gear shift in Neutral. The clevis pin should insert without
any tension on it. If necessary, adjust the clevis on the cable or the cable
in its mounting until it does.
10. Plug the two plug connectors on the neutral switch adapter harness to
the switch harness. It can only be plugged together correctly. Plug the
opposite end of this harness into the existing plug connector on the main
harness, the same at which the old switch harness was removed.
11. Close the engine cover. Verify that the starter will not crank in any selected
gear except Neutral. Verify that the backup lights come on in Reverse.
SEPTEMBER 01, 2015
Property of American Airlines