Thom Hogan’s Complete Guide to the Nikon D300
Page 171
If you’re interested in the esoteric inner workings of your
D300, a fuller description of the EXIF file format is available at
. Note that just understanding
the EXIF tags isn’t enough—programs must also know what
each of the values each manufacturer assigns means. Bibble,
DigitalPro, Photoshop CS3, Nikon ViewNX, and Nikon
Capture NX, amongst others, all can display EXIF data and
understand most of Nikon’s values. Some programs may not
fully display all the EXIF data values, though. And because
codes are used instead of full text (to keep the data small),
new lenses and features sometimes mean that a program can’t
display information about the latest things you use with the
camera (at least until the software is updated).
Not only is looking at EXIF data fun for the merely curious,
but if you study the information closely, you may even learn
about the idiosyncrasies of your camera and your shooting
Here’s the EXIF (Shooting
Data) window as shown in
Nikon ViewNX. Note how
all the most important
exposure data is shown, as
is information about a
number of additional
camera settings.