The alternative scheme of the electrodes placement is possible: the red one (nonin-
verting) is on the forehead, the black one (inverting) is in the middle of nucha, the
green one (ground) is on the cheek (Fig. 21).
Fig. 21. The Alternative schematic of the electrodes placement at ABR registration.
At the beginning of testing the electrode impedance is checked automatically, and in
case it exceeds 5 kΩ, the testing is not started. If the satisfactory impedance is not
achieved, the repeated preparation of a patient’s skin and resetting of the electrodes
may be required.
The OAE probe (by default), the headphones or the insert earphones may be used as
an auditory stimulator. The OAE probe application is analogous to the one described
in section 5.5 “Patient Preparation for OAE Test”. When using the insert earphones,
please, make sure that the front tubes are clean and the sound passes through them.
Put the foam ear tips
on the front tube adapters, press it out with your fingers to fit the
ear canal, insert it into the ear and wait till it straighten to obturate the ear canal.
5.9. ABR Test
After the selection of a patient in the list or entering new data about a patient, choose
the ABR technique and an ear for the exam performing (right or left) in the main menu
using the arrow buttons. It is desirable to perform it before the OAE probe insertion to
the ear of a newborn not to disturb her/him again. The OAE probe installation should
be performed according to the recommendations given in the section 5.5 “Patient
Preparation for ABR Test”.