5.2. Turning on
To turn on
screening systems
press and hold the device on/off button for about 2 seconds (Fig. 3). If the recharge-
able battery has enough capacity, than the screen highlight will switch on in 3 seconds
and the message information (the built-in software downloads into the device) will ap-
pear on the screen. After that, the main menu window will display on the screen
(Fig. 8).
Fig. 8. The main menu window.
If the device is not switched on at the pressing and holding of the on/off button or is
switched off at the buttons release, see the section “Troubleshooting”.
If the rechargeable battery is absent, it is necessary to connect the power supply unit
included in the delivery set.
It is prohibited to use the power supply unit of other type and manufacturer.
It can lead to the device failure or patient’s electrical shock.
If the device is switched on for the first time, it is necessary to set the date and time
(see the section 6 “Settings”). You should also set the printer address and type if you
want to use the wireless thermal printer. It is necessary to enter the probe sensitivity
(see section 6.5 “System Settings”).
5.3. Rechargeable Battery Charge
The rechargeable battery can be charged in two modes:
The device is switched on and used for the exams.