Description and Operation
headphones depending on what is used as an auditory stimulator. The brain electrical
response is recorded from the electrodes, directed to the biopotentials amplifier input
and then amplified. After that, it is transferred to the ADC, converted to the digital form
and directed to CPM. CPM processes and analyzes the received response and gen-
erates the report concerning the test results.
Except the above-mentioned functions, CPM controls completely the device
operation, keeps the settings and test results, displays the test procedure, test results,
service information using the LCD display. To transfer the results to the computer or
thermal printer and also to download the list of patients from the computer, CPM uses
Bluetooth module which provides the implementation of the Bluetooth wireless
interface. CPM is controlled by a user from a keyboard.
To provide the required supplying voltages for all the scheme units, the secondary
power supply source is provided. It can operate both from the built-in rechargeable
battery and external power supply. In the last case it provides the charge of the built-in
rechargeable battery.