Page 43 of 66.
Title TransVu 3 DVR Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
Single region events, multi region events and variables can be viewed using the drop-down list.
Base Channel: Where the trigger type is an alarm input this field sets the starting number from
which the wizard will begin
Channel List: for activity detection and video motion detection (VMD) triggers this field contains
the channel numbers which will be processed by the wizard. This field can be automatically
populated with channel numbers
where no wizard is currently set
by clicking on the Auto Fill
button. In this way activity detection for multiple cameras/alarm inputs can be set up
simultaneously using the wizard.
Add Camera Title: If ticked, will add the camera name to any database entry action configured by
the wizard.
Activity Extend Time: Used with the Activity Detection Trigger. Extends any momentary activity
detected to the time in seconds entered in to this box.
VMD Extend Time: Used with the VMD Trigger. Extends any momentary VMD event to the time in
seconds entered in to this box.
Alarm Extend Time: Used with the Alarm Input Trigger. Extends any momentary alarm event
detected to the time in seconds entered in to this box.
User Append Active: A freeform list for appending actions on expression active. Tick on the box
VMD to add Active Append Strings to VMD Expressions. Tick on the box Alarm to add Active
Append Strings to Alarm Expressions.
User Append Inactive: A freeform list for appending actions on expression inactive. Tick on the box
VMD to add Inactive Append Strings to VMD Expressions. Tick on the box Alarm to add Inactive
Append Strings to Alarm Expressions.