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Title TransVu 3 DVR Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
12V Output: Enables or disables the auxiliary 12 Volt supply output of the unit.
Power Retry: When enabled, if a camera power fault is detected the unit will retry to connect the
power to that camera
Retry Count: Sets the maximum number of times the unit will retry to power a camera power
output if a fault is detected.
Retry Timeout: Sets the time in seconds between each camera power retry.
Camera Power: Individual enable (tick) or disable of camera power outputs. Colour indicates power
green is good, red is fault.
Serial Ports Page
The serial ports page is used to configure the operation of the serial ports of the unit.
There are 5 serial ports available on the unit for use in a variety of ways.
Serial Port: Selects the number of the serial port to be configured
Port Config: Configures the port identified for a particular purpose. The choices available are:
the port will not function
General Pupose