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Title TransVu 3 DVR Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
ARP Cache Size: This limits the number of cache entries available in the ARP table. It defaults to 256
which is adequate for most instances. Consult your network administrator for advice about whether
this should be increased.
TCP Reassembly Queue Limit: This limits the maximum number of TCP segments that can be in the
reassembly queue, to prevent a common Denial of Service (DoS) attack.
Enable Internal Alarm Receiver: When selected the internal alarm receiver will be selected instead
of handling the alarms via Powerscript. Changes to this value will need a reset.
Internal Alarm Receiver Port: Used to set the port number used by the internal alarm receiver.
Enable Internal Syslog Collector: When selected the internal syslog collector will be selected instead
of handling the syslog via Powerscript. Changes to this value will need a reset.
Enable IP Watchdog: This setting is not applicable to TransVu
Enable TFTP Server: Enables a TFTP server for read-only access to elf files stored in /slave-bin on
the application drive
Enable Modbus Proxy: Enables the Modbus proxy daemon on the default Modbus TCP port and
specifies the number of proxy relays supported. Setting 0 will disable the proxy daemon. This value
can be changed without having to reset the system.
Transparent Proxy Server Port: Sets the port number for access to Closed IP proxy target cameras.
Transparent Proxy Target : Sets the target camera number for Closed IP proxy access.
HTTPS proxy port : Sets the port number for the HTTPS proxy daemon.
HTTPS secondary port: Sets the port number for the secondary HTTPS daemon.
Secondary Telnet Port: If the primary telnet port is blocked by the firewall, it is possible to configure
a second port number here. The unit is then accessed using the IP address of the unit, followed by
a colon (:) and this port number.
Enable Legacy Viewer Credentials: When selected system variables required for legacy viewers can
be read without credentials.
Audio Page
The audio page is used to enable recording and to configure the audio settings of the unit.