Page 17 of 66.
Title TransVu 3 DVR Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
P19 Alm Input 4
P14 Alm Input 1
P15 Alm Input 3
P28 Alm Gnd
P29 Alm Input 2
P36 Alm Input 5
P37 Alm Input 6
End of Line (EOL) Circuitry
The following describes the EOL tamper alarms circuitry needed when EOL has been configured.
There should be two resistive values within the tamper alarm circuitry. These must be located
inside the alarm device (furthest point from the unit).
The alarm state could be Normally Open or Normally closed. However, the tamper states are the
same for both settings.