Page 40 of 66.
Title TransVu 3 DVR Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
– Patrols Page
This page is used to program patrols of PTZ cameras connected to the unit.
Home Delay: Sets a period in seconds of inactivity, after which the PTZ camera will return to its
home preset position
Home Action: Selects which preset number is the home position for the camera
Patrol: Select which patrol is to be configured (1
Patrol Name: Enter a name for the patrol
Preset: The number of the preset position in this step of the patrol.
Dwell: The amount of time in seconds that the camera will remain at this preset position
Test: Click on this to move the camera to this preset position
Play: Click on this button to start the patrol from the first step.
Home: Click on this button to return the camera to it’s home preset position.