Security System
At the time that the device sends alert message to the registered CIE device in the
network while the security system is at
armed status
, the siren device in the network
will receive a warning message to trigger.
There is another condition which ZB11C will be inactive in motion detection reporting.
This is done to prevent too sensitive to motion.
The device will report when motion is detected then it will appear to be inactive for a
period of
84 seconds
. Any motion detected by the IR will not be reported. After the
inactive period elapsed the ZB11C will be then back to its motion detection reporting. If
no more movement is dectected for a period of
120 seconds
, the device will send a
message to deactivate the alarm.
Light control
According to the surrounding light intensity from the internal light sensor, when the
movement is detected the device sends ON command to the paired power outlet or
power switch devices. The 120 seconds countdown timer will start followed by a turn
ON command sent.
The light sensor sensitivity (threshold) can be adjusted to fit your need. From the light
sensitivity adjustor turn clock-wise for lower sensitivity and anti-clockwise for higher
sensitivity. For example, if you would like the light to be turned ON at the lowest
surrounding light intensity when motion is detected, then turn the adjustor
To avoid frequent or unstable light switching, ZB11C stays inactive to movement for
period of 84 seconds
by factory default. Any movement detected within this period the
countdown timer will not be reported. If no movement were detected and the 120s
period were elapsed, ZB11C will switch off the paired power outlets.
How to use ZB11C in the network
ZB11C takes one minute to warm up right after it joined to the network. The
device will be inactive during the warm up period and will not respond to motion.
The light control will stay functional regardless whether the security system is in
armed/disarmed mode or whether the ZB11C is registered to the security system or not.