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next format «
» in the range
. Time must increase from left to right: in the interval the time of switching on must take place before
the time of switching off, the time of switching on in the interval 2 must be after the time of switching off in the interval 1. The cells can be left blank,
and in this case, the next filled cell will work. For example, it is acceptable to switch on «
» and switch off on «
The column «
» allows to apply a schedule of a previous day to the next day in one click, thus making schedule configuration easier. To
Same as
apply a schedule of the previous day to the current one, check a corresponding checkbox.
Time of the action («
or «
), which has been performed the last, is displayed at the page in bold, which allows to quickly determine which action
and in what interval will be performed the next.
Holiday Substitution
Lines «
», «
», «
» allow to set a special schedule for holidays. This schedules can be linked to holidays in the section «
H 1
H 2
H 3
Holiday Substitution
The section «
» allows to set a special schedule for holidays or link a schedule of any workday to the holiday. Up to eight holidays
Holiday Substitution
can be saved in the memory of the device.
In the line «
», a date of a holiday is indicated in the format «
» in the range
In the line «
» a schedule is indicated, which will be used in this day. A drop-down list allows to choose the next variants: «
», «
», «
», «
», «
», «
», «
», «
», «
», «
H 1
H 2
H 3
A Default Relay Status
When the clock have failed to be installed, a relay status determines a reaction of the relay in the moment of the clock reset in a built-in clock of a
device. The next modes are possible: «
», «
», «
Permanent On
Permanent Off
Ignore Failure
Permanent On – when a local time is not properly set, a relay will be permanently on regardless a specified description.
Permanent Off – when a local time is not properly set, a relay will be permanently off regardless a specified description.
Ignore Failure – when a local time is not properly set, a relay will continue operating on the basis of a configured schedule.
After setting up all necessary parameters, click the button «
Apply changes
This setting is activated when a time is reset to the date before 2000 year. If time is reset to the date after 2000 year, then a device will not use
this setting.