36 Using Features of US110
Use the Keyboard Properties dialog to enable or disable the character repeat feature.
Figure 2-11 Keyboard Properties
Setup each item according to the following guidelines.
Setting Character Repeat
When enabled, the same character will quickly appear when the associated key is held
down. When character repeat is enabled, scales for repeat delay and repeat rate become
active. Click the arrow mark or move the slider control to determine the delay time (from
short to long) or repeat rate (from slow to fast).
Repeat Delay
If you set the repeat delay to "short", the key will start to repeat immediately after it is
held down. Move the slider control in the dialog box to find the appropriate delay time.
Repeat Rate
If you set the repeat delay to "short", the same characters repeatedly appear in a short
period. Move the slider control in the dialog box to find the appropriate repeat rate.