116 Using Advanced Features
Software Update
You can use USB storage device for updating software. Updating using USB storage device can be
performed only in administrator mode.
To use USB storage, create a folder named [US110] in the USB storage device, and store the install
files to be updated and "list.txt" file.
To execute update process from the USB storage device, open [Application Installer] in Control
Update Process Using USB Storage Device
Take following steps to update software. If the USB handset is connected, remove it before starting
update process.
Create a folder named [US110] in the FAT-formatted USB memory.
Place an OS file (NK.nb0) in the folder [US110].
Create "list.txt" file in the same folder.
Describe the file names to be updated in "list.txt" and save the file in Unicode format.
When updating OS, describe as "NK.nb0".
Connect the USB memory prepared in Step 1 to the US110.
Start the US110, open the Control Panel, press [Ctrl + Shift + F8] key, and type the
[Administrator Password] to enter the administrator mode.
Open the Control Panel again, then open the Control Panel for administrator.
Open [Application Installer] in Control Panel.
Click [Start Install].
Then the update process starts.
If you are prompted to restart the US110 during update, restart the US110 according to the
onscreen message.