126 Maintenance
Problem when Using a Combination of Multiple Thin Clients
Failed to display images or animation of PowerPoint or Web page:
If you disconnect the US110 from virtual PC without logging off and connect
again from another thin client, be sure to specify the color depths of the first
connection identical to the second connection.
For example, if you use the US110 for the first connection with its color depth 16
bits, specify the color depth of the other thin client (e.g., US110 or RDP Client of
Windows XP) as 16 bits. If color depths do not match, images contained in
PowerPoint file or Web page of the second connection may fail to appear.
If connection from any thin client having different color depth is predicted, every
client must logoff from the virtual PC at the end of task, rather than disconnection.
Especially, do not specify 15 bits for color depth of US100 in RDP connection if
US110 co-exists with US100. Specifying 15 bits may fail to display the animation.
Problems with Video Acceleration
See Readme file contained in Video Acceleration module for the contents, media,
and usge.
Problems with Update
The USB handset is not detected:
If the software is updated with the USB handset being connected with US110, the
USB handset is not detected after automatic rebooting. In such a case, restart the
US110 in manual mode.