About US110 15
Basic Operations of US110
US110 is a thin client terminal to be connected with virtual PC. Thus, US110 is designed to
minimize its setup procedure and operation.
Basic operations of US110 are performed on Terminal Connect Manager that has menus for
connecting to virtual PC and on Control Panel of US110.
Power on US110
Terminal Connection
Use virtual PC desktop
(Connect with virtual PC)
Figure 1-5 Basic Operations of US110
US110 uses Terminal Connection Manager that has menus for connecting to virtual PC.
Use the address of virtual PC and connection information that are assigned by the system
administrator, and set them in [Configure] tab page of Terminal Connection Manager. Saving the
configured connection entry and specifying it as startup menu allows you to connect with virtual PC
automatically when US110 is powered.
To modify configuration of US110, use the Control Panel. You can open the Control Panel from the
Terminal Connection Manager.
The system administrator can determine the number of icons to be displayed on Control Panel and
whether to display [Configure] tab on Terminal Connection Manager or not appropriately to users.
At the first startup of US110, initial settings are applied. Name of each US110 is assigned by default,
and the network is configured initially to obtain the network address from the DHCP server. If you
do not need to modify the initial settings, use the Control Panel as is. You can connect with virtual
PC from the Terminal Connection Manager.
At the second and the subsequent startup of US110, according to setup made by system
administrator, reading configuration information of US110 or displaying of Log-on dialog box for
obtaining connection destination of virtual PC are performed before the Terminal Connection
Manager appears.
To minimize operations on US110 helps you to understand thin client system and enables simple
and easy operation.