Chapter 3 – RouteFinder Software Operation
Multi-Tech RouteFinder RF650VPN User Guide
Packet Filter
The Packet Filter is a key element of the RouteFinder; with the Packet Filter Rules, you define which data
traffic is allowed between the networks and hosts. You can also determine that particular packets are
filtered and are not allowed to pass through the RouteFinder.
In Rules, you set the packet filter rules and define their order and state.
In the ICMP menu you can switch on the ICMP forwarding between networks, as well as the ICMP (e.g.,
ping) reception for the RouteFinder itself.
The display for rule violations and an overview of the entire rule setup (packet filter, NAT) is found in
Filter LiveLog.
All data traffic is filtered by the packet filter according to a set of rules that you define in
Packet Filter|Rules. This set of rules is a central tool of your IT security.
Generally speaking “everything that is not explicitly allowed is forbidden”. RouteFinder behavior is
determined by the content and order of the filter rules. The filter rules are assigned by column number
(column nr). Every incoming data packet is checked, in order, as to whether rule 1 is valid, rule 2 is valid,
etc.) As soon as a correspondence is found, the procedure as determined by action is carried out. You
can allow, drop or deny the packets. When packets are denied (Deny setting) an entry in the appropriate
log-file occurs.
All rules are entered according to the principle: source IP - service - destination IP - action.
To be able to differentiate rules, the appropriate Networks|Groups and Services|Groups must first be