Appendix A – Application Examples and How to Use Remote Syslog
Multi-Tech RouteFinder RF650VPN User Guide
How to Use Remote Syslog
1. Define a syslog server in Definitions|Networks|Add network.
2. Define this host in
as your remote syslog server.
3. Select your syslog server in System|Settings|Remote Syslog. All syslog messages will be sent to
the configured host.
4. Make sure that your syslog server accepts messages from your RouteFinder.
5. Restart your syslogd with the -r option, for example. The RouteFinder sends on syslog standard port
514 (UDP). The syslog facility depends on the process which generates the messages. For example
all netfilter messages have the facility ´kern´.
If you manage more than one RouteFinder, you may want to log into separate files.
If your are using a syslog server that can differentiate senders host addresses and the facilitiy, then it is
very easy to log into specified files.
You can use
which is available at