Chapter 15 – Provisioning AT Commands
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. CDMA Wireless AT Commands (PN S000294J)
Chapter 15 – Provisioning AT
Introductory Note
This chapter covers general CDMA provisioning commands; provisioning commands let you setup your service programming
code, your mobile directory number, your browser gateway, your service options, etc. Some of the commands that follow will
be useful for the average wireless user; others will be useful to programmers only.
Some parameters or commands discussed in this chapter may be re-defined by your network carrier. Your carrier will provide
these commands for you. See also the printed Activation Notices that accompany the Multi-Tech wireless products.
What is Provisioning?
The Difference Between a Pre-Provisioned CDMA Module and a Generic CDMA Module
Pre-Provisioned CDMA Modules
Multi-Tech offers several pre-provisioned CDMA modules. Pre-provisioned builds are pre-programmed to
operate only on a designated CDMA carrier’s network; for example, the
is pre-programmed
(provisioned) for use on the Sprint network in the USA.
Generic CDMA Modules
Multi-Tech also offers generic CDMA modules, for example, the
MTSMC-C-N1 (Random A-Key)
N9 (Zero A-Key)
. These generic SocketModems are not pre-programmed to operate on any designated CDMA
carrier’s network.
Overview of the Provisioning Process
A generic CDMA module.
CDMA AT Commands Reference Guide
, Chapter 15.
A developer software tool called
Step 1.
Get the PRI and PRL from your wireless carrier.
Step 2.
Set the provisioning commands, which are described in the
AT Commands Reference Guide
using the provisioning information provided by the CDMA wireless network carrier.
Step 3.
Using the WPST tool, download the carrier’s specific PRI (Provisioning Information) and PRL
(Preferred Roaming List) into the CDMA module.
The wireless modem is now provisioned and can be activated on your wireless carrier’s network, according
to the carrier’s activation instructions.
See the Activation directions that accompany Multi-Tech wireless modems.
Provisioning Terminology
The A-Key is a 64-bit cryptographic key variable stored in the semi-permanent memory of the mobile station
and also known to the Authentication Center of the wireless carrier's system. The generation of the A-Key is
the responsibility of the wireless service provider. It is established and entered when the mobile station is
first put into service.
The CDMA network carrier you choose for you CDMA product will let you know whether it uses the Random
A-Key or the Zero A-Key in its authentication process. That will determine whether you purchase the -N1 or
the –N9 build.
Provisioning is the programming of a CDMA wireless modem to set the
provided by wireless
network carrier that you are have chosen as your CDMA wireless network carrier. After the modem is
provisioned, it can then be activated on the wireless network for which it is provisioned.
stands for Provisioning Information. Provisioning Information is your wireless
network carrier’s profile of parameter settings that must be programmed into your
wireless modem in order for it to operate on the carrier’s wireless network.
stands for Preferred Roaming List. The PRL is a list of the wireless network service
provider’s preferred roaming partners. This list is downloaded from your network service
provider during the provisioning process.